Heat recovery units

An air heat recovery unit is a device that allows fresh air to circulate through a room while conserving heat energy. It works by transferring heat from the exhaust air to the incoming fresh air, thus reducing heating or cooling costs.

Air heat recovery unit:
  • Provides ventilation by bringing in fresh outdoor air and exhausting indoor air.
  • Recovers heat (up to 98%) from the exhaust air through a built-in heat exchanger to heat the incoming fresh air (in winter) or cool incoming air (summer).
  • Reduces energy consumption by conserving part of the heat energy.
  • Improves air quality by providing fresh air and reducing CO2 levels in the room.
The most important benefits of having an heat recovery unit installed:
  • Energy efficiency: Reduces heating and cooling costs by keeping rooms warm in winter and cool in summer.
  • Air quality: Provides a constant supply of fresh air and reduces indoor pollution, dust and allergens.
  • Humidity control: Helps maintain optimum humidity levels, preventing excessive humidity or dryness.
  • Comfort: Ensures a stable and healthy indoor climate that improves quality of life.
The air heat recovery unit is the optimal solution for our latitudes (temperate climate zone) to ensure a balance between air quality and energy costs.

    Decentralised heat recovery units are installed in each room as required. Each unit operates independently, allowing precise climate control in the room. These units are particularly suitable for private homes and apartments, providing flexibility and efficiency.

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  • Centralizēta rekuperācijas iekārta Komfovent Domekt CF 500 F C6M ar pretplūsmas plākšņu siltummaini


    Centralised heat recovery systems are installed to control temperature and air quality throughout the building. These systems are usually found in larger buildings such as offices, stores, hotels and large apartment blocks.

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